Slowly, but surely (in my state of South Carolina, at least) businesses are starting to reopen. The coronavirus shutdown has been incredibly challenging in so many ways, but especially for those businesses, large and small, that have been forced to cease operations. I’m grateful to be allowed to work again; however, the health and safety of my clients is my TOP priority as we all begin to emerge from our homes. I wanted to outline recommended COVID policies for photographers that I will be following in order to keep clients safe.
Current recommendations by the CDC advise that we practice social distancing (six or more feet of distance between people), avoid gathering in groups and stay away from crowded places and mass gatherings. For my business, that really isn’t much of a change from my normal operations. As an on-location photographer, I have primarily worked outdoors in open spaces. Thankfully parks and beaches are reopening, so there really is no shortage of my usual locations. I tend to use a longer lens and am most often much farther than 6 feet from my subject. One of the biggest challenges I am facing is the inability to personally tend to details like clothing and hair; I am recommending that subjects bring one family member along with them to act as an assistant and help with these details (that I wish I could!).
My camera equipment has also never been cleaner! I am traveling with a minimum amount of gear that is sanitized before and after a session. I will also be carrying disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer with me during each session (in case we want to sit on a bench or lean on a wall or grab a hand railing). I will no longer be bringing any of my own props or convenience items to sessions (hats, sunglasses, jewelry, blankets, hair ties, bobby pins, lint rollers, bottled waters, etc.) and ask that clients bring anything that they will need. I take a lot of pride in anticipating client needs and being well-prepared, but for now it’s critical to keep all of our things to ourselves. I will also wear a mask when shooting.
If a client or any member of his or her family has felt ill in the 24 hours leading up to the session, we will reschedule. Cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever . . . no questions asked. It is much better to be safe than sorry, and I promise to extend the same respect to my clients.
I am so excited to get back to work! Seniors are finishing up their final year of school (albeit in a very different way than they ever imagined), folks still need headshots and marketing images for their businesses, kids are growing and changing every day. Document this – I’m ready to help you.
** Each state and municipality has handled the closures differently, and it’s important to note that what is legal in one place may be against the law in another. Please refer to YOUR particular municipality to determine whether or not you are allowed or advised to participate in a photography session. **