When it comes to looking your best in photographs, you need to remember a few things that will always elevate your appearance. One of my go-to sayings is “If it bends, bend it!”
Locked joints look stiff and uncomfortable – create space between your arms and your body and create triangles with your limbs. If you stand straight-on to the camera with your arms at your sides, you’ll look like a big boring rectangle. Basically every joint should have a slight bend to remove the tension and look more dynamic (but don’t go as far as to be a limp noodle).
When standing, angle slightly away from the camera with your weight on the back leg. Gently bend the knee of the front leg and point your toe toward the camera.
Hands are a dead giveaway of tension and discomfort – make sure your hands aren’t stiff blades! Shake them out and gently place them where they will go (in a pocket, in your lap, on your hip, in your hair) with a very slight bend to the wrist and fingers. Again: if it bends bend it!
Hope this helps you to feel more comfortable and confident in front of the lens – next month I’m going to cover the eternal question of “What should I do with my hands??” Stay tuned! 👍🏻🖐🏻✌🏻