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Motivation Monday: Take Action!

Soooo, being Type-A, I am the kind of person that is forever making lists: what to do today, what to buy at the grocery store, what to pack for our vacation, activities the kids can do over the summer, chores that must be done around the house.  However, I am also the kind of person who spends SO much time making lists and trying to get organized that oftentimes I am not actually getting anything DONE.  This week I am vowing to take action and to cross off some of those items on my (miles-long) to-do list.

One of the critical steps in this success, as I am learning by reading Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (which I highly recommend!), is to prioritize the list and to take on only as much as is realistic in any given timeframe.  For example, I only try to focus on three main goals for the day and to try really hard not to get sidetracked by items not falling into this much-abbreviated list.  This helps to eliminate the overwhelm and to allow me to have a much greater sense of accomplishment.  I don’t know about you, but when I don’t get to all of the items on my list, I sometimes feel defeated, unmotivated and highly likely to just give up and procrastinate MORE.

So, my challenge to you this week is to prioritize what is important to accomplish this week, and then to break it down into daily tasks.  Cross those babies off your list and chip away at all those tasks that you are drowning in!

Take Action Quote - CHPBurroughs