Christine Hamrick Photography logo in black.

Year of Mornings Project Week 27: Red, White and Blue

Happy birthday America!  This week’s theme is most definitely red, white and blue as we spread out the patriotic cheer all week long.  Thankfully we had blue and white bathing suits because we spent much of this hot and streamy week near the pool and beach.  The week’s highlight surely was the Sullivan’s Island 4th of July Parade – every year we decorate our cart and join the masses rolling down the street to celebrate.

When it wasn’t hot and sunny this week, it was pouring down rain . . . LOTS of it.  So, just like half of the town we headed to the refuge of the movie theater to see the required summer family flicks Monsters University and Despicable Me 2.  Neither were as good as the originals (as sequels rarely are), in my opinion, but they were certainly good for a laugh and a date with the family.  Now if I can just get the kids to forget about Smurfs 2 . . .

And finally, one of the best parts of my week was spending some quality time with old friends.  The Gordillos moved to Texas two years ago, and while I had the chance to go visit them in Dallas back in April (for my highly anticipated bluebonnet sessions), it was so great to see them and their family back on our home turf.  The brave souls made the many-hours-long drive complete with pooch Cooper, who had just as much fun as the kiddos during our sunset shoot in downtown Charleston.

Red, white and blue images from my week