Every year it seems that I have really great intentions of trying to slow down and savor the Christmas season. Christmas preparations usually have me in a tizzy, and I constantly have to remind myself what Christmas is truly all about. Amidst all the parties and shopping and wrapping and visiting, I made sure to stop. To take a moment. To actually EXPERIENCE what was going on around me.
I took a sunrise jog on the beach to smell the salty air and express gratitude to God for this beauty, and that I am so fortunate to live by the sea. To have two legs that are strong enough to allow me to jog. Even if it means sore knees for days.
I made sugar cookies for my daughters to decorate and loved the feel of the dough in my hands and watching them sprinkle sugar with abandon. Even if it meant a sink full of dirty dishes and crumbs all over the floor.
I bought some festive flowers JUST BECAUSE I thought they were pretty.
I went to see my daughters dance in the town Christmas parade. Just me and my hubby. No plans, no arrangements, no tailgating. NO CAMERA. Just him and me on a little date. Even if it meant we didn’t see our friends or have a million pictures to commemorate the occasion.
I tried to see Candy, our Elf on the Shelf, through my girls’ eyes (instead of the obligation she seems to be for me). The magic that this season holds for them. The joy that they find in the very littlest of things. My girls won’t always be small. They won’t always believe in this magic . . . I have to savor this. All of it.