Christine Hamrick Photography logo in black.

Year of Mornings Project Week 52: The End

When I began this journey in January 2013, it seemed as if I would never see the end.  My goal was to document MY life and MY family.  It wasn’t always easy, and there were quite a few weeks that I wished I could just stop.  Looking back, however, I realize what I gift I gave to myself.  Never before have I completed a year-long project such as this one, and Lord knows that I started on several occasions! I am proud at my accomplishment and I am so thankful for the support that I received along the way from family, friends and fellow photographers.  One friend in particular who shared this journey with me is the very talented Julie Rivera (if you are ever in the Columbus, Georgia area and are in need of beautiful photography CHECK HER OUT!).  She plodded along with me week after week, and I feel like we crossed this finish line together – many thanks to you, Julie!

I haven’t decided whether or not to continue a formal daily documentation of my life . . . it was quite a challenge, but I am so grateful to have such a documentation of my year.  Even the mundane things (what I made for dinner, the dog laying on the floor, the ice cream outing we shared for good report cards) I photographed have such meaning for me, even if they don’t to anyone else.  Stay tuned to see if I can do it again 😉

The End of my 2013 Year of Mornings Project!