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Category Archives: Looking Your Best for Your Photography Session

Posing Tip: If It Bends, Bend It!

When it comes to looking your best in photographs, you need to remember a few things that will always elevate your appearance. One of my go-to sayings is “If it bends, bend it!”  Locked joints look stiff and uncomfortable – create space between your arms and your body and create triangles with your limbs. If you...

Three Wardrobe Tips for Looking Great On-Camera

Today I wanted to share my three favorite wardrobe tips for looking your very best on-camera. Wardrobe Tip #1: Wear Solid Colors You want your face to stand out and you don’t want your viewers to be distracted by busy prints, tiny patterns (which typically don’t photography well anyway) or really big logos. Avoid NEON...

Senior Sessions: Should I Use a Professional Makeup Artist?

When you invest your time and finances into a luxe senior portrait experience, you shouldn’t leave your makeup to chance.  You want to look your absolute BEST, and that is why I entail the expertise of professional makeup artists to ensure that my seniors not only have a fabulous experience, but also look utterly amazing....

Details Do Matter

I know that perfectionism can sometimes be really harmful . . . but today I am here to tell you that in my business as a portrait photographer, DETAILS DO MATTER.