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Category Archives: The Daily

365 Project Week 2: My Girls

Well, Year Two of my daily project is underway, and I have successfully managed to stick with my goal of photographing my family doing their thing.  As my girls get older, they tend to be more amenable to my photographing them (especially if it means that we get to do fun stuff!).  A typical “Mom,...

365 Project Week One: A Fresh Start

First of all, if you are here for another year of following my daily project, then WELCOME BACK to my fresh start in 2014!  Thanks to your encouragement, as well as the enormous amount of satisfaction that I got from reflecting back on my year in pictures, I have decided to continue my daily project....

Year of Mornings Project Week 52: The End

When I began this journey in January 2013, it seemed as if I would never see the end.  My goal was to document MY life and MY family.  It wasn’t always easy, and there were quite a few weeks that I wished I could just stop.  Looking back, however, I realize what I gift I...

Year of Mornings Project Week 51: Merry Christmas!

Well, this will be my last post before the big celebrations this week, so I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!  The kiddos are out of school now, so last week was spent doing all of the last-minute holiday preparations that always come before the big day.  Lots of gift-wrapping, decking...

Year of Mornings Project Week 50: Christmas Preparations

Every year it seems that I have really great intentions of trying to slow down and savor the Christmas season.  Christmas preparations usually have me in a tizzy, and I constantly have to remind myself what Christmas is truly all about.  Amidst all the parties and shopping and wrapping and visiting, I made sure to...