Every single season has its pros and cons for a session. Let’s take a look at Senior sessions in the Fall (I consider Fall sessions to be September-November).
I think the number one advantage to booking in the fall is the WEATHER! The rainy season of August is over, humidity is lower but temperatures are still warm enough to get outside without having to bundle up. You can literally bridge the seasons with a wide variety of warm- and cold-weather looks!
Fall Color Palettes
Here in the Lowcountry we don’t have much blooming this time of year, and there are few species of trees that actually give us the traditional changing leaves of autumn that occurs in other parts of the country. However, there is never a shortage of greenery due to our beautiful oaks and Spanish moss! The sun is lower in the sky this time of year, providing us with a gorgeous warm glow in the evening, and the marsh grasses are starting to turn to a beautiful, burnished golden hue.
This is the season to focus on rich, jewel tones and bolder colors: emerald, berry, royal blue, deep purples, ruby reds. Also, this year blush and lavender are going to be very popular hues for fall.
It’s the time of year to think about warm, cozy fabrics, beautiful textures and layers. Chunky sweaters, lots of denim, lace, fringe, plaid flannels, suede boots and booties, animal prints, structured jackets . . . This year the 90’s trends are back in a major way and are showing up in loose-fit denim, sweater vests, midriff-baring sets, platforms and clogs, puffy sleeves (why did I not save any of my high school wardrobe??).
Scheduling Fall Sessions
Let’s get real: this year is going to get crazy in a hurry. The vast majority of you have already had your photo taken for the school yearbook the summer before your senior year, and that’s for a good reason – checking the box EARLY.
Booking your session in the summer or fall of your senior year is ideal because you aren’t rushed! You’ll be able to plan and enjoy the process, plus you’ll have your portraits taken in time to submit them for senior yearbook ads (usually due October-December of senior year). Just in case, you’ll have plenty of time to reschedule in the event of inclement weather. Hurricane season here in Charleston lasts through the end of November, and you just never know what might come up . . .
Is a Fall Session for Me?
Fall is glorious, but it’s fleeting. The tradeoff with the beautiful weather and golden light is that the days grow shorter and shorter. Session times will need to begin as early 3:30 in the later days of fall to catch the last light of the day.
Just be aware that fall weekends book in a hurry. Between fall sports, college football, hunting season, and the days growing shorter until December, it’s wise to book early if you are needing to book a weekend date in the fall.
But it’s so early in my senior year! What if I want to incorporate my college or prom or cap & gown into my senior session? Since these are quick sessions that take less than 30 minutes, I always offer a spring add-on to my seniors who want to incorporate a few of these shots into their completed album or portfolio box. This will allow you to round out your Senior Experience with a wider array of portraits that encompasses your entire senior year.
Ready to book a fall session? CLICK HERE to see all the details and check availability for the Senior Experience.
Wonder if another season might be better for your style and schedule? Click the links below to decide which season is the best fit for you: